Business Enterprise
The Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources is implementing a 3-year entrepreneurship incubation programme in which selected graduates of the University run different enterprises to produce and supply the local market with different products including culinary herbs, mushrooms, vegetables, eggs, chicken, eggs, pork mushrooms and raw milk. The programme which started operation in January 2021, aims to develop the participants into businessmen and women who will be able continue running these enterprises as sustainable businesses outside the University upon completion of the programme. The University achieves this through provision of the necessary support in the form of land, facilities, utilities, tools and equipment, inputs, monthly stipend and most importantly mentorship, short term training to the incubates some of which is provided by our stakeholders in government and industry.
It is a three-year programme with three levels each running for 12 months as follows;
Level 1: New entrants into the programme. This level caters for new BUAN graduates who will be involved solely in production of different agriculture and natural resources produce (Hands-on activities).
Level 2: Graduates of Level 1 enrol in this level and undertake production agriculture and natural resources commodities and supervision of Level 1 incubates.
Level 3: Graduates of level 2 enrol in this level and will run a business enterprise.
1. Incubates who complete the 3-years programme will be awarded a certificate of completion.
2. Upon completion, Incubates share revenue accrued from sale of their produce over the 3-years with the University.
3. This is meant to assist the graduates with start-up capital to ease migration of their businesses out of the University.
The University’s main partner in the implementation of the programme is the Local Enterprise Authority (LEA). This partnership was forged through a memorandum of agreement with LEA providing business mentorship and training to the participants of the programme.
The programme has several stakeholders who contribute id different way towards imparting the necessary knowledge and skills to the participants. These include industry players who provide access to their facilities to for the participants to appreciate product value chains and appreciate processes in the different industries. These include The Hurvitz Group, Tswana Pride, Dikoko Tsa Botswana, Quality Meat Botswana. The programme also engages with different government, quasi-government and private institutions including the Ministry of Youth Empowerment Sports and Culture Development, the Ministry of Entrepreneurship, the Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services, CIPA, BOBS, CEDA, and the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED). The programme continues to engage other potential stakeholders for the benefit of the participants.
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My name is Thatayaone Banyaditse Sam, a graduate of the Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural resources (BUAN). I completed my Bachelor of Science in Crop and Soil Science specializing in Horticulture in June 2021. My entrepreneurship journey started immediately after graduation in around July 2021. I made enquiries with relevant stakeholders in the entrepreneurship ecosystem such as CEDA, YDF, LEA and CIPA, which culminated in me registering my company called Eugenics PTY (LTD) on the 7th July 2021 using my last university leaving allowance. At that time, I did not have an idea what business I was going to venture in. In the same month, I applied for the YDF with the intension to start a Broilers business but was not successful. I did not give up, I applied to the graduate entrepreneurship incubation program called INCUHIVE at BUAN and was accepted into the mushrooms production enterprise in September 2021. At the time, I had very little knowledge about Mushrooms but had so much passion in entrepreneurship. I joined the enterprise in which I found one Incubate, Kutlo Mokwena who was very instrumental in my training and acquisition of knowledge and skills in mushroom production. He was already 10 months into the three programme and had already gathered sufficient knowledge and skills from experts at the Department of Crop and Soils Sciences to transfer to me. I got involved in the whole process of oyster mushroom production from preparation of spawn (mushroom seed); management of growing conditions, pests and biosecurity; harvesting and packaging up to sales and marketing. I also received short term training in records keeping and Entrepreneurship Development Training.
I was in the programme for 1 year 6 months after which I left to start my own mushroom enterprise after being funded by YDF in January 2023. I felt that I had received sufficient knowledge and skills and that the programme has prepared me for the world of business.
My company commenced production of oyster mushrooms in Maun, Boseja ward on the 1st of May 2023. We purchase spawn from BUAN (INCU-HIVE) and complete the rest of the process to have a product that we supply to individuals and restaurants around Maun. Our goal is to produce enough to supply the Maun community following which we will expand to other part of the Ngamiland region and the country. As part of the expansion, we will also venture into production of other types of mushrooms such as white and brown button mushrooms and Shitake. We have the advantage that competition in mushroom production is still low in Botswana because currently most of Mushrooms are imported from South Africa.
Lastly, I would like to encourage young people to venture into Agri-business more especially my fellow BUAN graduates. Looking at the high rate of unemployment worldwide, we should all embrace self-employment, creation of employment with assistance from the numerous government initiatives for support. Let’s feed the nation.