The Centre for In-service and Continuing Education (CICE) is the outreach arm of the Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN), the former Botswana College of Agriculture (BCA). It was opened in 1995 to extends BCA’s mandate through provision of quality in-service and continuing education in agriculture and natural resources. The CICE designs, develops and delivers training in Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) accredited courses that are market driven. The mode delivery for the courses includes lectures, practical work, demonstration, discussions and excursions with a 30:70 Theory to Practical proportions.
The CICE operates with a team of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated staff of Botswana University of Agricultural and Natural Resources (BUAN) academic staff. Other expertise is sourced locally from the Ministry of Agriculture Development and Food Security, other ministries, parastatals, private organizations and international organizations, as and when necessary.
Mission Statement
The Centre for In-service and Continuing Education (CICE) is the outreach department of the Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources with responsibilities to:
- Promote, co-ordinate and deliver short-term courses in Agriculture and related fields;
- Produce, develop, publish and disseminate training, extension, information and other materials
- Promote and conduct pilot studies, projects, workshops and other outreach activities
- Promote linkages between agricultural research, extension services and training
- Liaise with different establishment CICE committees that direct, manage and advise in respect of the administration and activities of the Centre.