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26 July, 2024

Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Gaborone City Council

  Today Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Gaborone City Council held a significant Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony, marking a pivotal moment in the advancement of collaborative efforts between the two institutions. This agreement underscores a commitment to foster mutual interests and objectives through a formalised partnership.   The signing ceremony served as a public demonstration of both parties' dedication to their shared goals, highlighting their intent to combine resources, expertise, and strategic visions. In this MOU, GCC commits to assisting BUAN with providing a learning and research environment both short-term and long-term for BUAN learners after mutual agreement by both parties. It will also provide the BUAN learners and staff with the opportunity to collaborate with GCC staff for the benefit of the Gaborone community. BUAN pledges to engage in GCC activities for the betterment of communities. Upon endorsement and mutual agreement, BUAN will send its students to GCC facilities for industrial attachment. It will also assist with research on identified GCC problem areas and share research and technology information for the development of the city and Gaborone community.   The memorandum represents a strategic alignment that aims to enhance operational efficiency, expand opportunities, and drive innovation. The ceremony not only celebrated the formalisation of this partnership but also set the stage for future initiatives and cooperative ventures that promise to deliver substantial benefits to both organisations and the broader community they serve.   The parties intend to share necessary and relevant resources, i.e., providing professional and technical support in researching, collating information, undertaking capacity-building initiatives, or attending relevant conferences, seminars, and workshops related to the objective of the MoU. Furthermore, they intend to leverage strategic partnerships between BUAN and GCC member entities.   Speaking at the ceremony, His Honour, the Mayor of Gaborone City, Austin Abraham, said that GCC's commitment to improving the outlook of Gaborone as a sustainable and global investment hub depends on its partnership with BUAN. He said that the institution’s location at the entrance of Gaborone city makes it attractive and appealing with the Agrivoltaic solar panels that turn with the sun, it is a mesmerising view centred on technological innovation. “The 21st century presents new and unknown challenges and opportunities that can be addressed through research. BUAN, with its exceptional record, is a force to reckon with for GCC in addressing challenges such as flooding, carbon emissions, and, of course, the illumination/lighting of the city,” said the mayor.   During the ceremony, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ketlhatlogile Mosepele, said that sustainability is central to BUAN’s identity as it is the basic framework towards addressing major challenges facing urbanisation at both local and global scales. It is the best pathway towards ameliorating the developmental challenges facing Gaborone. Therefore, this MoU will give GCC access to expertise that reposes here in BUAN for the benefit of our beautiful city. He also said that BUAN takes pride in nurturing future leaders, steeped in the ethos of sustainability, fostering innovation, and contributing to the well-being of our citizens. Therefore, this partnership will make communities self-sufficient in food and nutrition security.   At BUAN we believe that this is a long lasting partnership that will catapult the city of Gaborone and the country at large to greater heights as the two parties are willing to extend a hand to each other and help where necessary.

17 July, 2024


On the 16th July 2024, Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources hosted Prof Zeblon Vilakazi FRS, Dr Rob Adam, and Dr Van Zyl de Villiers from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The aim of their visit was to introduce the establishment of the Botswana Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (BINST) under the following terms of reference:   ? To review national policies and strategies that support the establishment of the BINST. ? To engage with local stakeholders to identify facilities, infrastructure, and potential projects for BINST (Needs Assessment).  ? To engage with the senior management of national stakeholders (BINST Stakeholder/Steering Committee). ? To produce a costed business plan to be presented to the Government of Botswana for the phased establishment of BINST.   BUAN expressed interest in working with IAEA in program development, staff/student exchange, collaborative research projects/visits, online teaching, presentations, and workshops.

11 July, 2024

BUAN participates at the Selebi-Phikwe Trade Fair and Agric Expo!

Selebi-Phikwe Trade Fair and Agric Expo 2024  Today marks the official opening of the Selebi-Phikwe Trade Fair and Agric Expo!  We were honored to have Honorable Beauty Manake as our keynote speaker, delivering an inspiring speech. She emphasized, "Today's gathering symbolizes our collective commitment as a nation to enhance regional economic collaboration and fostering moments of significant economic growth and development." Honorable Manake also encouraged Batswana to venture into food processing, aligning with our theme, "Innovating for Food Self-Sufficiency." This five-day event is in full swing, and we are excited to connect with industry leaders, farmers, and enthusiasts. Don't miss out on the remaining days filled with informative sessions, exciting exhibitions, and networking opportunities. Stay tuned for more updates and highlights from the expo. Visit our booth to learn more about BUAN and our contributions to agriculture and natural resources. Selebi-Phikwe Trade Fair and Agric Expo 2024  Today marks the official opening of  Selebi-Phikwe Trade Fair and Agric Expo!  We were honored to have Honorable Beauty Manake as our keynote speaker, delivering an inspiring speech. She emphasized, "Today's gathering symbolizes our collective commitment as a nation to enhance regional economic collaboration and fostering moments of significant economic growth and development." Honorable Manake also encouraged Batswana to venture into food processing, aligning with our theme, "Innovating for Food Self-Sufficiency." This five-day event is in full swing, and we are excited to connect with industry leaders, farmers, and enthusiasts. Don't miss out on the remaining days filled with informative sessions, exciting exhibitions, and networking opportunities. Stay tuned for more updates and highlights from the expo. Visit our booth to learn more about BUAN and our contributions to agriculture and natural resources.

11 July, 2024


  The Vice Chancellor, Professor Ketlhatlogile Mosepele, paid a courtesy call to the Indian High Commission to Botswana, H. E. Mr. Bharath Kumar Kuthati on the 11th of July 2024. The Vice Chancellor expressed interest in working closely and collaborating with universities and institutions in India, particularly in areas of research and student/staff exchange.  The Indian High Commissioner expressed his willingness to assist BUAN in working with Indian institutions. He acknowledged BUAN in its efforts to improve agriculture and natural resources, thus improving food security, production, and nutrition in Botswana. He emphasized that India is able to feed itself due to the commitment of farmers and the country in making sure that food security and export of its produce is achieved . BUAN was given the task to find the universities and institutions in India that they would like to work with, and the High Commission’s office will assist in ensuring fruitful collaborations and partnerships. Other areas discussed were offers of Indian scholarships to BUAN and access to grants/funding offered by the Indian government and institutions.  

10 July, 2024

BUAN at the 2nd Botswana Sustainability Week

Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources joined Green Loop ESG Consultants in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, United Nations Global Compact UNGC, European Union Delegation to Botswana in the second Botswana Sustainability week.    The event was held on the 8th-10th under the theme “investing in ESG and sustainability with positive environmental social impact” The event brought together industry experts in Botswana and globally to share information on Environment Social Governance. During the information sharing sessions the BUAN Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs and Research Professor Justin Chepete presented on the benefits of Climate Smart Agriculture during climate crisis. This is a very important topic, since the  world is currently faced with climate change, and thwre is a need  for smart  technologies.  Prof Chepete defined Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) as a set of agricultural practices and technologies that simultaneously boost productivity, enhance resilience, and reduce GHG emissions. He also shared some of BUAN’s initiatives thatareb climate smart centred such as the  Solar powered water purification plant for grey water, Agrivoltaic plant for solar energy, and the use of dairy farm manure for biogas production.   In summarizing his presentation, he encouraged the audience to engage in practices that provide constant awareness of past, present, and future weather occurrences that help farmers to avoid and/or reduce risks of climate change. Furthermore, he encouraged them to minimise tillage, crop residue retention, agroforestry, and integrated nutrient management that increase the amount of carbon sequestered in soils. He also encouraged them to utilize biofuels, solar, use of fuel-efficient machines, crop residue management, and zero tillage that reduce energy use. They must also adopt practises such as rainwater harvesting, mulching, on-farm water management, terracing, and contouring that can reduce climate-induced water stress.    He was joined by Professor Moatlhodi Kgosimore, who spoke about One Health, which is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of humans, animals, plants, and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems),which are closely linked and interdependent (Adisasmito et al., 2022). One Health  is a collaborative, multisector, and transdisciplinary approach to mitigate against various issues related to the health of animals, plants, humans and ecosystems and their interactions for optimal health. “Botswana is one of the few countries which have implements the Libreville Declaration. The approach of this declaration emphasizes the impact of the environment on human health”. He said.   It is important that we look at the world from a One Health perspective to achieve sustainable growth because everything we do is intertwined.

18 June, 2024


GREG SETS OFF TO THE USA Today is one of BUAN’s most memorable moments as we send off Gregory Thato Rakobe to the United States of America,Texas, on a leadership program. Greg, as we like to call him, is honoured as a Mandela Washington Fellow, representing Botswana in the Leadership in Public Management track at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. This prestigious fellowship is part of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), where he is gaining invaluable insights and skills at Texas Tech University to drive positive change in the agricultural sector. We are really proud to spotlight him today, as he is a dedicated PhD Candidate in Animal Science with a specialization in Animal Nutrition. His groundbreaking research focuses on leveraging native medicinal plants, such as the Morama Bean, as sustainable alternatives to soybean in poultry diets. His work aims to support smallholder farmers by improving feed efficiency and promoting local agricultural practices. Join us in celebrating Greg's achievements and his commitment to advancing sustainable agriculture through innovative research.

13 June, 2024


BUAN and Africrops!GmbH signed a Memorandum of Understanding whose overall aim is to not only provide vocational training in organic farming, but also to create an European market for organically produced plant products from Botswana. Generally, the main themes of the MoU include vocational training and entrepreneurship in Agri-ecological systems. The third theme of the MoU is production of non-traditional agriproducts for the local, regional and global markets. This collaboration is consistent with BUAN’s strategic direction of expanding the value chain of its programs to include non-traditional products. It is envisaged that this will not only facilitate the implementation of the Green Economy in Botswana but will also have a significant contribution to rural development. Moreover, as part of its strategic direction, BUAN will use this collaboration to ensure that benefits of the Green Economy are also enjoyed by vulnerable groups in Botswana, such as the disabled, women and the youth. This is aligned to BUAN’s commitment to implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.   In the signing ceremony, BUAN was represented by its Vice Chancellor, Professor Ketlhatlogile Mosepele, while Africrops!GmbH was represented by its Managing Director, Dr Heinrich Heinrichs. Based on this 3-year agreement, Professor Mosepele highlighted that “As part of our commitment to sustainability, we have recently made a formal commitment to work with key vulnerable groups in Botswana, particularly the disabled. Moreover, as part of our growth strategy, we are also developing a vocational program whose primary target is out of school youth, to make them productive members of society. Therefore, this partnership will benefit these vulnerable groups directly. It will give them access to a future Botswana that is envisaged under Vision 2036”.   Professor Mosepele elucidated further on the envisaged benefits of this partnership to Botswana when he said that “this collaboration will foster Social Inclusion, facilitate Rural Development, mitigate against the high rate of Youth unemployment, Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), and engender socio-economic growth by creating multiple pathways for Batswana to benefit from the Green Economy. This is perfectly aligned to BUAN's strategy to inspire sustainable growth. Ultimately, it will also facilitate BUAN’s contribution to government’s drive to Rural Development”. Similarly, Dr Heinrichs expressed excitement at the formalization of this partnership and the benefits that it will bring to both Africrops!GmbH and BUAN. According to him, there is a high demand for Moringa in Europe and this partnership will allow local producers to gain access to the lucrative European market. Other indigenous plant products that are planned for under this partnership include, but are not limited to, Mongongo, Morula, Baobab, and the Kalahari melon. Dr Heinrichs remarked that while several other countries around the world produce and supply Moringa, the Botswana product has potential to find a niche in the European market because it is organic.   Furthermore, the Botswana Ambassador to Germany, Mr. Dipowe, also expressed satisfaction at the signing of this MoU. He promised to create an enabling environment that will ensure that the aims of this MoU are implemented for the benefit of Batswana. Mr. Dipowe emphasized that the Botswana Embassy in Germany is prepared to facilitate continued engagement between BUAN and Africrops!GmbH to ensure the success of the implementation of the MoU.

28 May, 2024


Today, 28th May 2024 marked yet another momentous day at BUAN as we signed an MOU with ISAGO Road to Recovery foundation. The Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs and Research, Prof Justin Chepete welcomed all attendants to witness the signing of the MOU by the two parties. “It is quite an interesting MOU particularly as ISAGO is an NGO with support services to people living with disabilities, and BUAN has people living with disabilities and embraces everyone”, said Prof Chepete. he stated that the MOU resonates well with the welfare of staff and students and will go a long way in touching lives and ensuring sustainable growth.   For his remarks, the Vice Chancellor, Prof Ketlhatlhogile Mosepele started by quoting Martin Luther King’s maxim that, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Accept the things to which fate binds you and love the people with whom fate brings you together but do so with all your heart. We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools”. He, therefore, in that spirit of Dr King, urged all to celebrate, cherish and enshrine the moment.   The Isago Road to Recovery is a foundation for People Living With Disabilities (PLWDs), whose founder is Mr Benson Kuhlman, who is a person living with disability. It was through Self-actualization, Self-motivation and Self-awareness that Mr Benson Kuhlman realized that the sky is the limit regardless of his disability. Therefore, he founded this organisation to give hope to People Living With Disabilities. To him, there are limitless possibilities and opportunities out there.   In the strategic drive towards Sustainability, BUAN intends to be a University that values social inclusion. Inclusivity is intrinsic to the SDGs, and recognition and appreciation of People Living With Disabilities is core to this value. “Therefore, we can’t as a University have impact if we don’t embrace People Living With Disabilities; We can’t be an impactful University if we don’t engage People Living With Disabilities; We can’t be an inclusive University if we don’t interact with People Living With Disabilities; We can’t be a comprehensive University until we live with People Living With Disabilities”, emphasized the Vice Chancellor.   BUAN is deeply committed to empowerment of People Living With Disabilities. As a consequence of the MoU, BUAN will engage ISAGO to create an enabling environment, where People Living With Disabilities will have opportunities to learn and develop key life skills. Agriculture and Natural resources present a meaningful pathway for training and employment. “This MoU signifies our commitment to work with ISAGO towards creating a Sustainable Botswana. A Botswana where everyone has an equal opportunity to attain wealth, as enshrined in the Transformation Agenda”, said Prof Mosepele.    Some of the objectives of this MoU include but are not limited to:   a)    Experiential learning opportunities for BUAN students and staff.  b)    Joint activities, including public seminars, lectures and conferences. c)    Resources sharing  d)    Assistance in capacity building    The Vice Chancellor concluded with speech with Albert Einstein’s “The future is an unknown, but a somewhat predictable unknown. He stated that to look to the future one must first look back upon the past. That is where the seeds of the future were planted.” Let us create the future that we want today. This MoU is the seed of the future that we want. Let us Nurture it, Care for it, Nourish it, so that it lives to its potential.    Benson Kuhlman, the Founder and Director of ISAGO Road to Recovery Foundation thanked God for the special occasion and thanked BUAN management for the opportunity to forge the partnership and implement the objectives of the MOU.     Mrs. Rebecca Mgadla, the Deputy Vice Chancellor thanked all for attending the signing of the MOU adding that it affirms BUAN’s strategic intent and that it was a testimony that the university has embraced the DSGs. She specially thanked the Vice Chancellor for his wisdom and guidance in cultivating a legacy of hope through his care for vuneral or disadvantaged people like women and people living with disabilities by striving for their inclusivity. She urged all to nurture the seed that was planted today by owning up to the MOU and ensure implementation.

28 May, 2024


This morning, the Department of Academic and Student Services successfully hosted a capacity-building workshop for the BUAN Electoral Commission and Judiciary Board. The workshop aimed to equip the Commission with a clear understanding of their duties and the processes of the IEC to ensure they execute their mandate effectively. We extend our gratitude to the IEC for their unwavering support

27 May, 2024


The Department of Academic and Student Services successfully hosted a Marketplace Summit themed “Navigating the Spectrum of Opportunities as a Graduate.” A huge thank you to HRDC, Human Resource Professionals Society Botswana, FNBB, Employment 2.0, Ministry of Entrepreneurship, and LEA for empowering our students with valuable insights. Special thanks to BUAN graduates Mbiganyi Taka, Mr. Moseki Moseki, Adjoa Saubi, and Dr. Albertina Matsika for sharing their inspiring career journeys. To our completing class: Remember, your career and brand are shaped by your decisions. Now is the best time in Botswana to embark on an entrepreneurial journey, leading to financial freedom. "The world is your oyster, take the opportunities that life has to offer!"

22 May, 2024


As a University of Agriculture and Natural Resources BUAN recognizes that the Beekeeping industry plays a vital role in rural socio-economic development and environmental conservation by maintaining various ecosystems. Bees both commercially managed and the wild plays a critical role as pollinators hence their importance in global food production. However, the industry just like any young industry has challenges and in an effort to address challenges in the industry BUAN, Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA), Ministry of Agriculture and other stakeholders held an Apiculture Symposium. The symposium focused on strengthening efforts to achieve food security and reduce poverty and hunger which is in line with the fourth Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) pillar, which is also in accordance with the aspirations with African Union Agenda 2063 and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  It intended to identify and address the relatively weak performance of beekeeping sector and address the emergence of new concerns, such as climate change, as well as new developments at national, regional and international levels. The farmers that were part of the symposium said that they enjoyed the symposium as it was very informative for them and they are motivated  to work harder. As a University of Agriculture and Natural Resources BUAN recognizes that the Beekeeping industry plays a vital role in rural socio-economic development and environmental conservation by maintaining various ecosystems. Bees both commercially managed and the wild plays a critical role as pollinators hence their importance in global food production. However, the industry just like any young industry has challenges and in an effort to address challenges in the industry BUAN, Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA), Ministry of Agriculture and other stakeholders held an Apiculture Symposium. The symposium focused on strengthening efforts to achieve food security and reduce poverty and hunger which is in line with the fourth Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) pillar, which is also in accordance with the aspirations with African Union Agenda 2063 and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  It intended to identify and address the relatively weak performance of beekeeping sector and address the emergence of new concerns, such as climate change, as well as new developments at national, regional and international levels. The farmers that were part of the symposium said that they enjoyed the symposium as it was very informative for them and they are motivated  to work harder.

03 May, 2024


Today we celebrate Ms Boago Angie Serumola, a courageous and resilient Entrepreneur, Food Technologist, who is the Founder and Director of Boasa Brands and Eco Foods respectively. She is also the Co-founder of Yummy Affairé and also a graduate from Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources with a Bachelor of Science - BS in Food Science and Technology. Boasa Brands is a Gaborone-based enterprise supplying both fresh produce and processed foods, with their mixed dried fruits, banana chips and mango strips as their most popular products. The business offers quality products at a convenient price and also boasts about its product as a healthy snack suitable for anyone as there is no sugar or preservatives added on them. Products can be purchased by order with a minimum of 5 packs or pass by plot 20634, block 3 industrial to get yourself a pack. You may also find them at Trans Cash & carry along old Lobatse road, Koncept store SSKIA and Hilton Garden Inn kiosk. For more information contact them on 72 480 104 or alternatively email them at

02 May, 2024

Professor Thoko Mayekiso, Vice Chancellor of the University of Mpumalanga welcomes Professor Mosepele and his delegation

The purpose of the visit was to discuss possible areas of collaboration between BUAN and UMP. As astudent-centric university, the UMP has progressed well in establishing a conducive learning environment for its core customers and students. The Vice Chancellor, Professor Ketlhatlogile Mosepele commended his counterpart on the excellentinitiatives implemented at UMP, some of which will be implemented at BUAN.   Further engagements were made at the Faculty of Agriculture & Natural Sciences to discuss potential areasfor collaboration. The team had an opportunity to tour the campus, including the Centre For Enter- preneurship Rapid Incubator and the UMP School for Hospitality and Tourism.

30 April, 2024


Tuesday 30 April 2024 marked the official beginning of a relationship between BUAN and LNDB. The two (2) institutions signed a Memorandum of Understanding to officialise a relationship that had started a year ago. The objectives of the MoU are to enable the Parties, from time to time, to cooperate in, inter alia, the following activities:  1. Collaboration in research and development projects, including development of joint proposals for funding; 2. Provision of technical assistance and professional advice by BUAN to LNDB on matters related to dairy cattle breeding and management; 3. Joint quality assurance and benchmarking of dairy herd improvement programmes and related schemes; 4. Co-operation on any other programmes of mutual benefit, as agreed upon by both parties. In addition, the Parties will collaborate in developing technology transfer and farmer capacity building programmes for Botswana and Lesotho in the following areas: 1. Performance recording of dairy cattle and goats; 2. Genetic improvement of dairy cattle and goats; 3. Nutrition and management of dairy cattle and goats; 4. Assisted reproductive technologies; 5. Health management of dairy cattle and goats; 6. Improvement of dairy processing; 7. Dairy value chain development. The VC in his remarks highlighted that the relationship will leverage on expertise at BUAN to facilitate the development of the Dairy sector in Lesotho. Furthermore the relationship will use entrepreneurship knowledge and experience to cultivate a dynamic and vibrant Dairy sector in Lesotho. The CEO of LNDB, Mr. Abiel Mashale commended BUAN in accepting the invitation from LNDB to collaborate in this initiative. He highlighted the importance of the collaboration to the Kingdom of Lesotho. Tasked with the mandate to mature the dairy industry in Lesotho, the LNDB will be able to comprehensively respond to national challenges in the dairy industry and make Lesotho dairy and dairy products secure. In conclusion, the Principle Secretary: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Mr. Moshe Mosaase, commended LNDB and BUAN in this momentous event. He re-affirmed the Ministries commitment to supporting this initiative. #BUAN??‍??LNDB. #??‍??

29 April, 2024


The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ketlhatlogile Mosepele and his delegation visited the Lesotho Agricultural College. The College was established primarily to offer programmes in agriculture at certificate and diploma level. The LAC is in the process of reviewing its operational mandate to expand its programme offerings to include degree programmes. To date BUAN has trained 11 Lesotho students at undergraduate and post graduate levels (Masters and PhD). The planned MoU between the two (2) institutions shall formalise the relationship between the BUAN and the LAC.  Thereafter the team paid a courtesy visit to the Principal Secretary: Ministry of Agriculture,Food Security & Nutrition, Mr Moshe Mosaase. The PS conveyed his sincere gratitude to BUAN for its continual assistance in progressing the mandate of the Ministry and improving the lives of Basotho. #BUAN ??‍??LAC. #??‍??

27 April, 2024

BUAN sends its students on an exchange program to Finland.

Student development is our priority here at BUAN, and one of the ways we achieve that is by providing opportunities for students to participate in projects and exchange programs. Festor Khibana and Matlhogonolo Shoti will be undertaking a study excursion to Finland for a one-week education mobility. This year’s mobility is on Adventure Education hosted by the University of Humak in Helsinki. The duo will be accompanied by Dr. Kgomotso Mabusa. The study excursion is under the Pedagogics of Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability (PEBES) project, which was created by merging the strengths and needs of four universities in three countries: Finland (University of Humak and University of Turku); Botswana (Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources); and Namibia (University of Namibia). At BUAN, the project is coordinated by the Faculty of Natural Resources in collaboration with the Faculty of Agribusiness, Agricultural Extension, and Education, and funded by the Team Finland Knowledge Programme and the Finnish Ministry of Education.   The aim of the project is for future professional teachers, educators, and environmental experts to gain transdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of dynamics related to biodiversity and sustainability, and how to apply this knowledge in society with diverse pedagogical methods and in a global context. We wish Festor and Matlhogonolo a splendid time in Finland. We look forward to hearing all about their stay and what they have learned.

26 April, 2024

BUAN students Receive Recognition at World Intellectual Property Day Celebration 2024

Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources would like to congratulate its students Thobo Marcelino, Thero Dikgole and Koketso Piyo who made us proud during the World Intellectual Property Day 2024 celebration. The team stood among fellow innovators from across the country’s tertiary institutions, ready to share their project addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2024. The team presented their mosquito repellent prototype. Their innovation is a testament to the power of nature. They developed a mosquito repellent product using locally sourced materials. Their repellent was crafted from cow dung and infused with extracts from indigenous trees, which offers a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional repellents. By combining traditional knowledge with modern science, their aim is to address the urgent need for effective mosquito control methods while minimizing environmental impact. They described their journey to World Intellectual Day 2024 as one  filled with challenges, but their passion and dedication kept them going. “Countless hours of research, experimentation, and collaboration led to the development of a prototype that exceeds expectations", said the trio “Despite fierce competition, our innovation has captured the attention of judges and spectators alike, earning us a well-deserved third-place position. This achievement not only brings recognition but also tangible rewards in the form of cash incentives for our project. Much more than that, it validates our hard work and dedication, reaffirming our belief in the power of innovation to create positive change", the team explained. They have newfound confidence and a shared vision for the future and are eager to continue their journey of innovation, knowing that their potential knows no bounds.

20 April, 2024

BUAN Animal Science Club making an impact in the community.

  The BUAN Animal Science Club participated at this year's Matlapaneng Field Day at Takatokwane on 20th Of April , hosted by the Matlapaneng Farmers' Group. The theme of the day was "COLLABORATION, SMART FARMING ARE KEY TO SUSTAINABLE COMMUNANAL FARMING ENTITIES".  The Club was led by Mr Malejane and its key responsibility was to advise the Takatokwane farming community on optimising readily available rangelands feed sources, diet formulation, disease control strategies and breed selection criteria

19 April, 2024


  Professor Mosepele and his delegation paid a courtesy visit to the President and CEO of ARC, Dr Litha Magingxa, and his team on Friday 19th April 2024.  The Agricultural Research Council is a premier science institution that conducts research with partners, develops human capital and fosters innovation to support and develop the agricultural sector. The two entities discussed a number of issues including, student-staff mobility, joint research, co-funding, commercialisation of research, digitilisation in Agriculture, establishment of centres of excellence to name but a few. The talks also touched on ongoing research projects between BUAN and the ARC in line with the objectives of the MOU. The meeting concluded with both parties committing to expanding the focus areas of the MOU for the benefit of the region.

17 April, 2024


  In a strategic move aimed at fostering collaboration and enhancing partnerships, Professor Ketlhatlogile Mosepele, Vice Chancellor of Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN), spearheaded a high-level delegation to the University of Pretoria on April 16, 2024. Accompanied by esteemed colleagues including Prof. Samodimo Ngwako, Mr. Kabelo Mosarwe, and Mr. Kealeboga Pifelo, the delegation engaged with the Director of the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) at the University of Pretoria, Professor Bernard Slippers, and his team. The visit commenced with an insightful overview of BUAN and its core mandate, paving the way for robust discussions on various topical issues shaping academia and research today. Among the focal points of discussion were: 1. Navigating Corporate-University Dynamics: Addressing the challenges and opportunities in the interface between big corporates and academic institutions. 2. Building Critical Mass through Networks: Emphasizing the significance of collaboration networks in driving impactful research and innovation. 3. Creating Value through Partnerships: Advocating for a focused and refined approach to partnership strategies to maximize mutual benefits. 4. Structural Streamlining: Exploring strategies to streamline university structures for enhanced focus and efficiency. 5. Consortia for Regional Challenges: Highlighting the importance of concerted efforts among universities to tackle common regional challenges through collaborative consortia. 6. Technology and Innovation: Acknowledging technology and innovation as catalysts for the advancement of agricultural institutions towards maturity. 7. Local Expertise in Research: Recognizing the pivotal role of local experts and scientists in shaping the trajectory of research in the region. 8. Enhancing Staff and Student Mobility: Discussing avenues for facilitating staff and student mobility to foster cross-pollination of ideas and expertise. 9. Intellectual Property Management: Addressing the management of intellectual property and facilitating technology transfer for broader societal impact. Following these enriching discussions, Professor Mosepele engaged in further dialogue with Professor Themba Mosia, Interim Vice Chancellor of the University of Pretoria, underscoring the mutual benefits of collaboration between both institutions. The visit culminated in a tour of the state-of-the-art research facilities at FABI, providing valuable insights into ongoing research endeavours and potential areas for future collaboration. The exchange between BUAN and the University of Pretoria signifies a commitment to fostering meaningful partnerships, driving innovation, and addressing regional challenges through collaborative efforts. As both institutions look towards the future, this visit marks a significant step in advancing academic excellence and societal impact through strategic collaborations.  

16 April, 2024


   BUAN hosted One Health (COHESA) workshop in Botswana led by Prof. Florah Meulenberg from Department of crop and soil sciences. The main objectives of the workshop is to map out the key one health stakeholders in Botswana and to identify skakeholders that will influence research, development, adoption and delivery of One Health solutions in Botswana. stay tuned as participants from various sectors, universities, wildlife experts, defense force members, water and sanitation specialists, and agriculture ministry officials continue to engage in dynamic discussions and brainstorming sessions