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News Date : 13 June, 2024


BUAN and Africrops!GmbH signed a Memorandum of Understanding whose overall aim is to not only provide vocational training in organic farming, but also to create an European market for organically produced plant products from Botswana. Generally, the main themes of the MoU include vocational training and entrepreneurship in Agri-ecological systems. The third theme of the MoU is production of non-traditional agriproducts for the local, regional and global markets. This collaboration is consistent with BUAN’s strategic direction of expanding the value chain of its programs to include non-traditional products. It is envisaged that this will not only facilitate the implementation of the Green Economy in Botswana but will also have a significant contribution to rural development. Moreover, as part of its strategic direction, BUAN will use this collaboration to ensure that benefits of the Green Economy are also enjoyed by vulnerable groups in Botswana, such as the disabled, women and the youth. This is aligned to BUAN’s commitment to implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
In the signing ceremony, BUAN was represented by its Vice Chancellor, Professor Ketlhatlogile Mosepele, while Africrops!GmbH was represented by its Managing Director, Dr Heinrich
Heinrichs. Based on this 3-year agreement, Professor Mosepele highlighted that “As part of our commitment to sustainability, we have recently made a formal commitment to work with key vulnerable groups in Botswana, particularly the disabled. Moreover, as part of our growth strategy, we are also developing a vocational program whose primary target is out of school
youth, to make them productive members of society. Therefore, this partnership will benefit these vulnerable groups directly. It will give them access to a future Botswana that is envisaged under Vision 2036”.
Professor Mosepele elucidated further on the envisaged benefits of this partnership to Botswana when he said that “this collaboration will foster Social Inclusion, facilitate Rural Development, mitigate against the high rate of Youth unemployment, Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), and engender socio-economic growth by creating multiple pathways for Batswana to benefit from the Green Economy. This is perfectly aligned to BUAN's strategy to inspire sustainable growth. Ultimately, it will also facilitate BUAN’s contribution to government’s drive to Rural Development”. Similarly, Dr Heinrichs expressed excitement at the formalization of this partnership and the
benefits that it will bring to both Africrops!GmbH and BUAN. According to him, there is a high demand for Moringa in Europe and this partnership will allow local producers to gain access to the lucrative European market. Other indigenous plant products that are planned for under this partnership include, but are not limited to, Mongongo, Morula, Baobab, and the Kalahari melon. Dr Heinrichs remarked that while several other countries around the world produce and supply Moringa, the Botswana product has potential to find a niche in the European market because it is organic.
Furthermore, the Botswana Ambassador to Germany, Mr. Dipowe, also expressed satisfaction at the signing of this MoU. He promised to create an enabling environment that will ensure that the aims of this MoU are implemented for the benefit of Batswana. Mr. Dipowe emphasized that the Botswana Embassy in Germany is prepared to facilitate continued engagement between BUAN and Africrops!GmbH to ensure the success of the implementation of the MoU.