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News Date : 10 July, 2024

BUAN at the 2nd Botswana Sustainability Week

Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources joined Green Loop ESG Consultants in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, United Nations Global Compact UNGC, European Union Delegation to Botswana in the second Botswana Sustainability week. 
The event was held on the 8th-10th under the theme “investing in ESG and sustainability with positive environmental social impact” The event brought together industry experts in Botswana and globally to share information on Environment Social Governance. During the information sharing sessions the BUAN Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs and Research Professor Justin Chepete presented on the benefits of Climate Smart Agriculture during climate crisis. This is a very important topic, since the  world is currently faced with climate change, and thwre is a need  for smart  technologies.  Prof Chepete defined Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) as a set of agricultural practices and technologies that simultaneously boost productivity, enhance resilience, and reduce GHG emissions. He also shared some of BUAN’s initiatives thatareb climate smart centred such as the  Solar powered water purification plant for grey water, Agrivoltaic plant for solar energy, and the use of dairy farm manure for biogas production.
In summarizing his presentation, he encouraged the audience to engage in practices that provide constant awareness of past, present, and future weather occurrences that help farmers to avoid and/or reduce risks of climate change. Furthermore, he encouraged them to minimise tillage, crop residue retention, agroforestry, and integrated nutrient management that increase the amount of carbon sequestered in soils. He also encouraged them to utilize biofuels, solar, use of fuel-efficient machines, crop residue management, and zero tillage that reduce energy use. They must also adopt practises such as rainwater harvesting, mulching, on-farm water management, terracing, and contouring that can reduce climate-induced water stress. 
He was joined by Professor Moatlhodi Kgosimore, who spoke about One Health, which is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of humans, animals, plants, and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems),which are closely linked and interdependent (Adisasmito et al., 2022). One Health  is a collaborative, multisector, and transdisciplinary approach to mitigate against various issues related to the health of animals, plants, humans and ecosystems and their interactions for optimal health. “Botswana is one of the few countries which have implements the Libreville Declaration. The approach of this declaration emphasizes the impact of the environment on human health”. He said.
It is important that we look at the world from a One Health perspective to achieve sustainable growth because everything we do is intertwined.