Bachelor Degree
4 years
Minimum BB in Double Sciences, C in any one of pure Sciences, C in Mathematics, E in English, C in any optional subject at BGCSE level.
Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Education (BScED):
The department currently offers Bachelor of Agricultural Education [BSc Ag Edu] programme and a Master of Science degree in Agricultural Education [MSc Ag Edu] programme (Please see the Graduate Studies Brochure).Bachelor of Agricultural Education [BSc Ag Edu] programme. The program aims to prepare students to become professional teachers of agriculture in the field of agriculture and Agricultural Science.
Bachelor Degree
4 years
General Certificate of Secondary Education or equivalent with the following minimum grades: E in English Language, C in Mathematics, C in at least two Pure Sciences or BB in Science Double Award and D in any other subject.
Objectives of the Programme
- To produce competent agricultural education teachers for senior secondary schools.
- To co-operate with other Departments in the Faculty of Agriculture and outside the faculty in training and producing high quality Agriculture teachers.
- To combine theory and practice in all agricultural and education courses.
Employment Opportunities
The introduction of the BSc in Agricultural Education programme was based on the need for trained teachers in Agricultural Science in Secondary Schools. Agricultural Education graduates may also serve as Education Officers and subject matter specialists in the Ministry of Education. They may also be employed in colleges of education, private and parastatal sectors, and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s).