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Letlamoreng Samuel


Letlamoreng Samuel

Senior Instructor

Faculty of Agri-Business, Education and Extension
Department of Agricultural Education, Extension and Rural Development

Private Bag 0027 Gaborone

MSc (Agricultural Education), University of Botswana /Botswana College of Education, 2013

BSc (Agricultural Education ), University of Botswana /Botswana College of Education, 2005

Diploma in Agricultural Education , University of Botswana /Botswana College of Education, 1995


Assisting in teaching :

AEB 221 Teaching methods in Agriculture

AEB 425 Management of Agricultural Enterprises

Letlamoreng. S and Hulela.K.,(2018). Perceived roles of Teachers of  Agricultural Science in the implementation of HIV/AIDS prevention and control measures in Secondary Schools in Botswana. Applied Science and Innovative Research. 2(3):102.