Dr. Koketso Tshireletso
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Natural Resources
Department of Range and Forest Resources (RFR)
Book chapters
Mashungwa, G. and Mmolotsi, R. (2007). Trichilia emetica. In: van der Vossen, H. A. M. and Mkamilo, G. S. (eds). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 14. Vegetable Oils. Prota foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands/ CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands, pp172-175. ISBN 90-5782-191-2.
Van der Vossen, H. A. M, Mashungwa, G. and Mmolotsi, R. (2007). Olea europeae. In: van der Vossen, H. A. M. and Mkamilo, G. S. (eds). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 14. Vegetable Oils. Prota foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands/ CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands, pp121-126. ISBN 90-5782-191-2.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Mojeremane, W., Makobota, K., Teketay, D., Rampart, M., Mmolotsi, R., kopong, I., Monekwe, D., Makoi, T., Lepetu, J., Neo-Mahupeleng, G. and Obusitswe, K. (2020). Germination studies on seeds of Burkea africana and Erythropheleum africanum from Kazuma Forest reserve, Northern Botswana. Africam Journal of Biotechnology, 19(9), 675 – 683.
R. Mmolotsi and K. Kejekgabo, (2013). Physical properties of wood in lessor known tree species in Botswana. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2(2), 105 -109.
R. Mmolotsi, I. Kopong and M. Rampart (2012). Bark thickness and diameter variation in Spirostachys africana, a multipurpose tree commonly used in households in in southern Botswana. 1: 539 doi: 10.4172/scientificreports.539
M. Race, O. Karabo, M. Obopile, B. Tiroesele, R. Mmolotsi, M. Rampart and A. B. N. Tshegofatso (2012). Effects of Moringa oleifera root and leaf powder on reproductive capacity and damage caused by stored cowpea seed by Callosobbruchus maculatus (F). Journal of Agricultural Technology, 8(7), 2319 – 2329.
Tshiamiso, L., M. Obopile*, R.M. Mmolotsi and M. Rampart, (2012). Variation in ground dwelling insect assemblages on five habitats at Sebele content farm in Gaborone, Botswana. 36(3), 0 - 0
R. M. Mmolotsi, M. Obopile1, B. C. Kwerepe1, B. Sebolai2, M. Rampart1, A. T. Segwagwe, G. Ramolemana3, T. M. Maphane1, L. lekorwe1, I. Kopong1, M. Kelatlhilwe1 and B. Tiroesele (2012). Studies on Mukwa (Pterocarpus angolensis, D. C.) dieback in Chobe forest reserves in Botswana. Journal of Plant Studies, 1(2), 154 - 157
O. Oagile, R. Mmolotsi, A. Segwagwe, and T. Babili (2012). African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) nodulates promiscuously with Rhizobium indigenous to soils of Botswana. Journal of Plant Studies, 1(2), 109 – 113.
O. Oagile, R. Mmolotsi, Mothei, MN and Motshwari, O. (2011). Germination and emergence of seeds of Mimusops zheri. International Journal of Tropical Agricultre, 29, (3-4), 189 192.
G. M. Legwaila, Mojeremane, W., Mmolotsi, R. and Madisa, M. E. (2011). Potential of indigenous food crops on poverty alleviation. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 3(6) 171 – 177.
R. Mmolotsi, A. Lumbile, B. C. Kwerepe, I. Kopong, M. Rampart, A. Segwagwe, B. Sebolai, L. Lekorwe, and T. Maphane (2011). Effect of phloem sap deposition on properties of sapwood in Pterocarpus angolensis (Mukwa) following bark stripping by elephants. Botswana Journal of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, 7(1), 107 - 111
M. Rampart, C. Cahalan, R. Mmolotsi and I. Kopong (2009). Effects of fire and elephants on diameter and height growth of Pterocarpus angolensis (Mukwa) seedlings/saplings in the Chobe Forest Reserves (Botswana). Botswana Journal of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, 5, 65 – 72.
R. Mmolotsi and Z. Teklehaimanot (2008). Organic matter contribution to soil fertility improvement and maintenance in red alder (Alnus rubra) silvopastoral systems. Journal of Forestry Research, 19 (1). 49 – 52.
Z. Teklehaimanot and R. Mmolotsi (2007). Contribution of red alder to soil nitrogen input in a silvopastoral system. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43, 843 - 848.
R. Mmolotsi and Z. Teklehaimanot (2006). The Effect of initial tree planting density on timber and wood fuel properties of red alder (Alnus rubra, Bong) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus). Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36, 1475 – 1483.
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